Fenestration III (Disoriented Ovenbird)
Fenestration III (Disoriented Ovenbird)

Photographs, Acrylic and watercolour paint on Mylar
72" x 36"

Fenestration V (Fatal Flyway)
Fenestration V (Fatal Flyway)

Photographs, Acrylic and watercolour paint on Mylar
72" x 36"

Fenestration I (Across Lake Ontario)
Fenestration I (Across Lake Ontario)

Photographs, Acrylic and watercolour paint on Mylar
72" x 36"

Fenestration II (Forest Superimposed)
Fenestration II (Forest Superimposed)

Photographs, Acrylic and watercolour paint on Mylar
72" x 36"

Fenestration IV (Deceptive Habitat)
Fenestration IV (Deceptive Habitat)

Photographs, Acrylic and watercolour paint on Mylar
72" x 36"

Detail of Fatal Flyway with Acrylic sheet
Detail of Fatal Flyway with Acrylic sheet
Detail of installation with 'Across Lake Ontario'
Detail of installation with 'Across Lake Ontario'

Acrylic paint on Acrylic sheets, suspended

Detail of installation with 'Disoriented Ovenbird'
Detail of installation with 'Disoriented Ovenbird'

Acrylic paint on Acrylic sheet, suspended

Installation View of 'Fenestration' I - V
Installation View of 'Fenestration' I - V
Installation View of Re-imagined Scientific Diagrams
Installation View of Re-imagined Scientific Diagrams
'Cluster N'
'Cluster N'

Mixed media on Mylar
36" x 36"

Converging Flyways
Converging Flyways

Mixed media on Mylar
36" x 36"

Blue Light
Blue Light

Mixed media on Mylar
36" x 36"


Mixed media on Mylar
36" x 36"

Dark-eyed Junco
Dark-eyed Junco

Acrylic paint on Mylar
36" x 36"

White-throated Sparrow
White-throated Sparrow

Photograph, Acrylic and watercolour on Mylar
36" x 36"

Black-capped Chickadee
Black-capped Chickadee

Photograph, Acrylic and watercolour paint on Mylar
36" x 36"

Golden-crowned Kinglet
Golden-crowned Kinglet

Mixed media on Mylar
36" x 36"

Nashville Warbler
Nashville Warbler

Mixed media on Mylar
36" x 36"


Mixed media on Mylar
36" x 36"

Installation View of Bird Portraits (6 most affected in 2010)
Installation View of Bird Portraits (6 most affected in 2010)
City Sparrow II
City Sparrow II

Drawing, Acrylic and watercolour paint on Mylar
30.5" x 22.5" (framed) 

City Sparrow I
City Sparrow I

Drawing, Acrylic and watercolour paint on Mylar
30.5" x 22.5" (framed) 


Pencil crayon, Acrylic and watercolour paint on Mylar
28" x 20"

Urban Perch
Urban Perch

Pencil crayon, Acrylic and Watercolour paint on Mylar
12" x 11"


Photograph, pencil crayon, Acrylic and Watercolour paint on Mylar
32" x 14"

King Street West
King Street West

Ink on Duralar

Installation (in progress)
Installation (in progress)

Video projection


Watercolour, Acrylic, Pencil Crayon and Photograph on Mylar
12" x 12"

Untitled (Reflection or Reality)
Untitled (Reflection or Reality)

Watercolour and Acrylic on Mylar
22" x 17"

Installation 2 (in progress)
Installation 2 (in progress)

Projection, motion detector, speakers, paper bags (from FLAP/Lights Out Toronto)


Collage, ink, pencil crayon and Acrylic and Watercolour paint on Mylar
12" x 12"


Collaged paper and Acrylic on Mylar
8" x 14"

Fenestration III (Disoriented Ovenbird)
Fenestration V (Fatal Flyway)
Fenestration I (Across Lake Ontario)
Fenestration II (Forest Superimposed)
Fenestration IV (Deceptive Habitat)
Detail of Fatal Flyway with Acrylic sheet
Detail of installation with 'Across Lake Ontario'
Detail of installation with 'Disoriented Ovenbird'
Installation View of 'Fenestration' I - V
Installation View of Re-imagined Scientific Diagrams
'Cluster N'
Converging Flyways
Blue Light
Dark-eyed Junco
White-throated Sparrow
Black-capped Chickadee
Golden-crowned Kinglet
Nashville Warbler
Installation View of Bird Portraits (6 most affected in 2010)
City Sparrow II
City Sparrow I
Urban Perch
King Street West
Installation (in progress)
Untitled (Reflection or Reality)
Installation 2 (in progress)
Fenestration III (Disoriented Ovenbird)

Photographs, Acrylic and watercolour paint on Mylar
72" x 36"

Fenestration V (Fatal Flyway)

Photographs, Acrylic and watercolour paint on Mylar
72" x 36"

Fenestration I (Across Lake Ontario)

Photographs, Acrylic and watercolour paint on Mylar
72" x 36"

Fenestration II (Forest Superimposed)

Photographs, Acrylic and watercolour paint on Mylar
72" x 36"

Fenestration IV (Deceptive Habitat)

Photographs, Acrylic and watercolour paint on Mylar
72" x 36"

Detail of Fatal Flyway with Acrylic sheet
Detail of installation with 'Across Lake Ontario'

Acrylic paint on Acrylic sheets, suspended

Detail of installation with 'Disoriented Ovenbird'

Acrylic paint on Acrylic sheet, suspended

Installation View of 'Fenestration' I - V
Installation View of Re-imagined Scientific Diagrams
'Cluster N'

Mixed media on Mylar
36" x 36"

Converging Flyways

Mixed media on Mylar
36" x 36"

Blue Light

Mixed media on Mylar
36" x 36"


Mixed media on Mylar
36" x 36"

Dark-eyed Junco

Acrylic paint on Mylar
36" x 36"

White-throated Sparrow

Photograph, Acrylic and watercolour on Mylar
36" x 36"

Black-capped Chickadee

Photograph, Acrylic and watercolour paint on Mylar
36" x 36"

Golden-crowned Kinglet

Mixed media on Mylar
36" x 36"

Nashville Warbler

Mixed media on Mylar
36" x 36"


Mixed media on Mylar
36" x 36"

Installation View of Bird Portraits (6 most affected in 2010)
City Sparrow II

Drawing, Acrylic and watercolour paint on Mylar
30.5" x 22.5" (framed) 

City Sparrow I

Drawing, Acrylic and watercolour paint on Mylar
30.5" x 22.5" (framed) 


Pencil crayon, Acrylic and watercolour paint on Mylar
28" x 20"

Urban Perch

Pencil crayon, Acrylic and Watercolour paint on Mylar
12" x 11"


Photograph, pencil crayon, Acrylic and Watercolour paint on Mylar
32" x 14"

King Street West

Ink on Duralar

Installation (in progress)

Video projection


Watercolour, Acrylic, Pencil Crayon and Photograph on Mylar
12" x 12"

Untitled (Reflection or Reality)

Watercolour and Acrylic on Mylar
22" x 17"

Installation 2 (in progress)

Projection, motion detector, speakers, paper bags (from FLAP/Lights Out Toronto)


Collage, ink, pencil crayon and Acrylic and Watercolour paint on Mylar
12" x 12"


Collaged paper and Acrylic on Mylar
8" x 14"

show thumbnails