(encaustic painting by Po Chun Lau)

The Pace of Place

Lisa Binnie | Po Chun Lau | Christine Walker

Graduate Gallery, OCAD University
205 Richmond Street West, Ground Level
Thursday February 3rd to Sunday February 6th
Noon – 5 pm

Opening reception Saturday February 5th

The three artists in “The Pace of Place” each live in contrasting worlds. Their work explores this contrast by focusing on both the culture and the pace exhibited within different parts of Canada. In particular, they are looking at the difference between rural maritime villages and eastern Ontario wilderness compared with the urban centre that is Toronto, Ontario.

Travelling back and forth between places always requires a period of adjustment and transition before one can really belong there. This also provides a fresh perspective, and allows for a rediscovery of things sometimes forgotten or taken for granted.

Christine, Po and Lisa’s explorations of these themes are expressed in the medium of encaustic painting, sometimes incorporating photographic elements into the works, sometimes inspired by photographs of the places themselves.